Online course launch and more from Marion Cossin

Online training

It's taken me a while to launch the first two lessons on our online rigging theory course. We've reshot and remade the content a couple of times as we decided to include video footage from Aerial Edge's rigging course in Glasgow in lesson 1.

The intent was to organise the educational content we have into a course format and fill in any gaps so the information can be more easily located and absorbed by people starting out.

I'd welcome feedback from you all on that content, so far we have:

Online Training
Course Overview Welcome to our course on circus rigging. This course covers the basic theoretical knowledge needed to begin your career in circus rigging. This course gives attendees an understanding of many of the unique aspects of circus rigging. It covers rigging circus equipment and flying peop…
Lesson 1: An Introduction to Circus Rigging
Circus rigging equipment Circus rigging is a discipline that borrows from many other fields, including the oil and construction industry, the entertainment industry, arenas and theatres, and sports events.Much of the rigging equipment we use is designed for the purposes of industrial lifting, so i…
Lesson 2: Forces & Factors of Safety
Information, education and research on acrobatic rigging and circus safety.

Our next lessons will include:

  • Lesson 3 - Calculating factors of safety
  • Lesson 4 - Rigging from truss
  • Lesson 5 - Setting up rigging points
  • Lesson 6 - Rigging hoops
  • Lesson 7 - Rigging silks and hammocks
  • Lesson 8 - Rigging & the law
  • Lesson 9 - Risk assessments
  • Lesson 10 - Equipment inspections
  • Lesson 11 - Rigging training courses

There are other planned chapters on pulley systems, access and counterweighting which may change the course structure a little.

I should be able to make the first draft of these lessons available over the next few weeks. Let me know what you think.

Maximal dynamic forces exerted by acrobats on nine circus apparatuses

I realised that after the webinar from Marion Cossin last year on forces in circus, the research article on which it was based had been released and I had yet to link to it. Marion also created a handy infographic summarising the main results.

Maximal dynamic forces exerted by acrobats on nine circus apparatuses
Information, education and research on acrobatic rigging and circus safety.